Path of Change: Excitement of Change and the Bigger Yes
Nov 13, 20221 min read
Originally by Rev. Douglas Taylor and Rev. Gretchen Haley, adopted by Elaine LeCain. Delivered by Carolyn Cleary.
In addition to the changes wrought by the current political election, we have the very real and exciting changes going on within our own fellowship as we navigate working with the Santa Clarita church to find and hire a suitable minister to care for our two churches together. The range of emotions and thoughts are many and on November 13, we will explore some of the ways we might proceed together. Brandi Groven will be singing and leading us in our hymns, Karen Kuckreja will be the worship associate and Carolyn Cleary will be delivering the sermon. The service is brought to us through our Soul Matters Curriculum, Elaine LeCain has gathered the elements, to present a truly collaborative service…just another example of change.