Spiritual Leader

Tony Lee
Tony as he has spoken to our congregation several times, and he has quite the community presence, as well. You may have heard him on the radio or seen him at social justice events around town. He will be conducting Sunday services twice a month (including July 7th), and he is also available for pastoral care, so he is quite happy to visit people who are homebound or talk to folks on the phone or by Zoom.
Our Elected Leaders
2024-2025 Board of Trustees
President: Jeannie Parent
Vice President: Marina Oja
Secretary: Julie Means
Treasurer: Anna Laven
Members at Large
Mark Hodson
Hannah Garber
Nancy Renfro
Committee on Ministry: Anai Morales, Wilma Goodloe, Andy Kendall
Membership/Member Care: TBD
Members: Ann Larson, Karen Kuckreja, Sabrina James, Judy Rubesa (Advisor: Wilma Goodloe)
Worship: JoAnn Conard
Members: Mark Hodson, Elaine LeCain, Karen Kuckreja, Nancy Renfro
Social Justice: Jeannie Parent
Members: Elaine LeCain, Linda Haggerty, Wilma Goodloe, Martha Corcoran, Marina Oja
Communications: Hannah Garber
Members: Edward Dorneles, Sydney Jackson
Music: Elaine LeCain
​Members: Anai Morales, Hannah Garber, Mark Hodson, Anthony Rodriguez

Our Governance
UUFKC is governed by our Bylaws and Policies & Procedures. Like UU congregations, we are a democratic body, led by an elected Board of Trustees.
We keep our bylaws, policies & procedures, and board meeting minutes in a congregational Google drive. Members are welcome to view these documents. Links to the bylaws and basic policies are below. Contact the Board Secretary or media@uukern.org for more information.

An LGBTQ Welcoming Committee
On April 3, 2016, the members of UUFKC voted unanimously to become an official
Recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

Being a Welcoming Congregation means that we affirm and include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer at every level of congregational life - in worship, in program, and in social occasions - welcoming them as whole people.
Honor the lives of all people and equally affirm displays of caring and affection without regard for sexual orientation.
Celebrate diversity by using inclusive language and content in worship.
Incorporate an understanding of the experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons throughout all of our programs, including religious education.
Affirm and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues and history.
Affirm marriage equality and conduct same-sex weddings.
Advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, promoting justice, freedom, and equality in the larger society. We speak out when the rights and dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are at stake.