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Worship - “Don’t Live in the Present”

Sun, May 22


Huber Chapel

Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels, preaching

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Worship - “Don’t Live in the Present”
Worship - “Don’t Live in the Present”

Time & Location

May 22, 2022, 10:00 AM

Huber Chapel, 5 Real Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93308, USA


About the event

Spiritual wisdom suggests we find equanimity when we practice living in the moment neither clinging to past hurts or fretting about the future. But achieving goals requires imagining a future different from this one and plotting a path to achieve it. Readings and Hymns: 389, 186L, 449, 471, 108, 1020, 461, 53L, 57L

June 5, 2022, “Sweat the Small Stuff” Effective justice action comes in all shapes and sizes. Do what you can. Do what fits your skills, your time, your pocketbook. For some of us personal changes may be all we can do. But even those who can do more must begin by changing themselves. Readings and Hymns: 188, 89L, 111L, 471, 118, 1024, 109L, 53L, 220L

June 12, 2022, “Get it Together” Healthy spiritual people learn to be ever vigilant in resisting the habit to make divisions. We divide people by race and sex and country. We separate the future from the present. We divide our minds from our bodies, our reason from our emotions. We isolate our faith life from the rest of our life. Or we don’t. That is, healthy people, don’t. Readings and Hymns: 360, 39L, 125L, 347, 322, 36L, 53L, 35L

July 17, 2022, “Give it a Rest” If work and play are two separate things, then work is when we gather resources and play is when we spend them.  That understanding encourages endless work, or at least as much as we can force on ourselves.  But we know work creates but also depletes. We know that play spends but also replenishes.  In fact work and play are parts of a single whole; they spin together. Readings and Hymns: 352, 435, 455, 471, 204, 15, 697, 53L, 221L

July 24, 2022, “This Day” The days of the week derive their names from gods: “Woden’s day” and “Thor’s day”.  Tuesday, is “martes” in Spanish, for Mars, the god of war.  Friday is “viernes” for Venus, the god of love.  The pantheon changes according to the language and the culture, but the practice of respecting each day as sacred is good for the spirit any day of the week. Readings and Hymns: 1010, 556, 88L, 471, 38, 9, 419, 53L, 514

We finish our Summer and look toward the beginning of a new church year with a month of worship on the theme of

August 21, 2022, “Dare to Dream” Creation begins in the imagination.  The first act of creating is to intuit a way of being that doesn’t exist.  Only once we can see a “what might be” different from “what is” can we begin to measure the distance and start the journey. Readings and Hymns: 146, 93L, 448, 471, 351, 346, 488, 53L, 680

August 28, 2022, “The Work Awaits” Our summer break comes toward its close and we look forward to the beginning of a new church year.  Hopefully we arrive rested and ready, even eager.  Hopefully, we have planned and prepared and now we’re excited to begin.  We hear the call.  The chalice flame begins to rise, in our spirits, and in our Fellowship. Readings and Hymns: 362, 62L, 87L, 471, 298, 1028, 54L, 53L, 57L

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