General Assembly (GA) Annual Gathering of UU's
Wed, Jun 21
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There is so much to do at GA this year – from saying farewell to our current president and electing a new one, to taking part in the historic Ware Lecture, to worship with amazing UU musicians and worship leaders, to discussing and voting on essential business.

Time & Location
Jun 21, 2023, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
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About the event
at 6pm EST/3pm PST in-person in Pittsburgh, PA and . There is so much to do at GA this year – from saying farewell to our current president and electing a new one, to taking part in the historic Ware Lecture, to worship with amazing UU musicians and worship leaders, to discussing and voting on essential business – and we can’t wait to be with you for it all. General Assembly (GA), the annual gathering of UUs, starts on Wednesday, June 21onlineFor more info, please see