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Ann Silver - Celebration of Life Service

In lieu of our regular service, we met in Huber Chapel for a Celebration of Life for Ann Silver. Service leader is Rev. Liora Gubkin Malicdem – assisted by Mendy McMasters.

View obituary here.

Service Video

Remembrance Slideshow

Zoom Chat Transcription

10:22:03	 From  UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others : If anyone on Zoom wishes to say something, please send a note in Chat.
10:28:15	 From  Dr. MO (she/her) : I didn't know Ann well, but I loved how she was counter-stereotypical for southern Ladies. I was often tickled by hearing her opinions and the way she expressed her ideas.
10:31:39	 From  .Red and Elaine LeCain, Granada. Nicaragua   to   UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others(Direct Message) : Ann was such a delightful, cheerful, witty and compassionate person.  She was the consummate complementarian (I know, Anne, not a real word!) but I, too will miss everything about her.
10:32:26	 From  UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others   to   .Red and Elaine LeCain, Granada. Nicaragua(Direct Message) : Do you want to unmute yourselves & say something, when Liora is ready?
10:39:20	 From  iPhone : My grandma Ann was the most caring and wonderful woman I’ve known , she always thinks of others and puts other people  before herself. She was always opinionated and always let you know her thoughts and feelings on certain things. She was so loving and I will always cherish the times I spent with her. I remember I would fly out to Bakersfield to visit her and my Zady for the summer and she would always have me wake up early in the mornings with her to work out to Richard Simmons. We would play scrabble, read books together, and just sit and talk. I love you grandma Ann ❤️
10:42:10	 From  UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others : We're about to re-show the 8.5 minute slideshow.
10:44:21	 From  Dave : As a close family friend of my parents’ during my childhood in Japan, Ann was a prominent figure during my formative years.  She always had something complimentary and gracious to say to me, which was a huge boost to one so young.  Thanks for the memories, Ann, and please excuse any grammatical errors!  Love, Dave
10:52:04	 From  Dr. MO (she/her) : Can the photos be run again? 💜
10:52:43	 From  UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others : We're starting our break now.  We're so glad you all could join us - thanks for the two messages we did not get to read out loud!  We'll leave the Zoom meeting up for a bit - but with sound muted on this end.  Send a chat message if you have a Q.
10:52:48	 From  Kathleen Ashland : what a wonderful service-such a tribute to Ann, a truly remarkable and unforgettable woman.
10:53:07	 From  UUFKC (Huber Chapel) Rev Liora, Mendy & many others : Regarding the slideshow - we've got that on video and can send you a link.
10:53:33	 From  Beth Lacey : What a lovely service for a beautiful human being both inside and out. Rest In Peace Aunt Ann.

Service Transcription

10:01:13 And.
10:03:46 Okay. Ready.
10:04:04 So welcome everyone on this beautiful day. It is good for us to be together.
10:04:14 Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kern County.
10:04:20 We gather for this memorial with one of Ann's favorite hymns.
10:04:26 It's come, whoever you are, and the words, if you'd like to sing along are in the gray hymnal on your Jer you're holding it now.
10:04:39 It's number 1, 8, 8, and we'll sing it through 3 times.
10:04:45 Give everyone a chance to join in.
10:05:03 My , you are one. Yeah, no, on one.
10:05:49 Bless your brother on the is there no?
10:06:09 And so we come from Bakersfield and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kern County, and from Quasi, and from Temple Bethel, and from Congregation Binay, Jacob, and from Pasadena, and from San Diego, and from
10:06:32 Texas, and from Georgia, and from Florida and Zoom, for for many places.
10:06:43 At this moment we form a community, one community, as we come with our grief at Anne's passing, and we come with our gradatitude at having been touched.
10:06:59 By and unique presence. We come together this morning to remember, and Lacey Silver, who lived a monthst us for 86 years.
10:07:12 We are her family, her friends, her community, and as we mourn the loss of such a beloved and celebrate her life, may we be reminded that we are not isolated beings, but connected in mystery and miracle to the universe.
10:07:38 To this community and to each other. We are connected through the spirit of life and through the spirit of love, and it is with that spirit amongst us that I like this chalice.
10:08:26 It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch a fearful thing to love, home, dream, to be, to be, and oh!
10:08:44 To lose a thing for fools. This, and a holy thing, holy thing to love for your life has lived in me, and your laugh.
10:08:59 Once lifted me, your word was gift to me to remember this.
10:09:08 Brings a painful joy. Tis a human thing, love a holy thing to love.
10:09:17 What death has touched!
10:09:20 And in that spirit of love that surpasses death.
10:09:26 Will you please join in another of Ann's favorite hymns?
10:09:31 It is number 3, 4, 6. Come, sing a song with me.
10:09:51 Wrong singer song with me, sing the song with me.
10:10:06 Come on and bring him home. When hope this, and I'll bring the song of love and rose in the winter time.
10:10:25 Come dreaming, dream with me that dream of dream with me!
10:10:33 Come, dream the dream with me. Come, dream the dream with me that I might know your mind and bring you home with hope is hard to find, and bring a song of love and rows in the winter time home walk in!
10:11:02 Come, walk in rain with me. Come, walk in rain with me, that I might know your mind.
10:11:14 And now bring you home, and hope this hard to find. And in the winter time home share rose with me with me.
10:11:45 Share rose with me, and this hard to find and bring a song of love, and no winter time.
10:12:28 Thank you, Mindy and Kyle, for helping lead songs this morning.
10:12:38 So assuming I will die sometime a long obituary in paper, absolutely unmuted, a a short one, if you like, but not necessary.
10:12:51 Let's keep this simple, double, smiley face. These words from Anne to her daughter Lee are classic.
10:13:00 Ann.
10:13:04 Organized, opinionated, not afraid of the big issues of life and death, and touched with humor.
10:13:15 Now I've just met me, but it's clear to me that the love that Anne often expressed to me for her children and grandchildren, and the whole family, the Wholeish Baha is reciprocated by her daughter, and that short and simple, obituary written by liam published in the
10:13:40 Californian, beautifully provides a glimpse of how, and brought hope and love to the world.
10:13:48 And so I'd like to share those words with you.
10:13:52 Now!
10:13:54 An English teacher of the Old Guard, and was a deep reader, writer and thinker.
10:14:02 She found her spiritual home with the Unitarian Universalist fellowship of Kern County, and poured her passion for social justice into work with Quebec a nonprofit organization which advocates for and supports immigrants in detention.
10:14:22 She was a dedicated quasi, volunteer and visitor to Mesa Verde Detention Center until the pandemic shut down visitation.
10:14:30 She also fought for justice in her frequently published letters to the editor of the Bakersfield Californian friends and family.
10:14:40 Remember her quick wit, creativity, compassion, and willingness to uphold her values by taking action for others, and is survived by her husband.
10:14:53 Howard, Silver, Daughter Lee Lacey, and Charles Minneau, Stepsons, Jeff and Thean Stone, Scott and Deborah Silver.
10:15:05 And Frankie Silver, grandchildren, Lacey and Cole.
10:15:11 We know David, Daniel and Aubrey Stone, Andrew and Justin.
10:15:16 Silver and Candice, Cobb, great great grandchildren, Alison and Henry Call and Rory Bellaito, Sister Nel Davis, numerous cousins, nieces, nephews, my family.
10:15:34 So Ann's email to leave continues, a service is not needed either.
10:15:39 But should you like one? Here is a suggestion. If Youu Fellowship Church is being held in person by that time the regular service would be fine, and you could request a few of my favorite songs, and perhaps provide lunch catered by flame sens skewers.
10:16:01 So, as I was thinking of Anne, the life she lived, the sort of person she was.
10:16:10 I heard this favorite hymn of hers with fresh ears, especially when I followed the suggestion she shared in the email to read the lyrics with fresh eyes and I'll bring you hope when hope is hard to find, and I'll bring a song of love and arose in the winter
10:16:34 time. And I realized this, too, was Ann. In small acts of kindness in decades of advocating for justice.
10:16:45 She brought hope, love, and beauty to the world.
10:16:54 So Unitarian, Universalist memorial services or celebrations of life.
10:16:59 Often include an opportunity for people to share a brief personal remembrance.
10:17:08 And and I'm gonna do mine first, and was indeed an English teacher of the Old Guard, and a prolific writer.
10:17:17 So I hope you will find it fitting that my personal remembrance revolves around an email exchange.
10:17:23 That spanned a dozen years in the winter of 2,008, I gave Howard not a rose, but an orchid.
10:17:33 Over the next dozen years and would occasionally send me a picture and an update on its status.
10:17:41 So in late 2,008 she was shocked that it had not died.
10:17:46 I cut back the orchid plant you gave Howard, fully expecting to lose it, as I have no green thumb, you should see it.
10:17:53 It has a dozen flowers in 2,011, she reported.
10:17:58 It was still blooming, and asked if I remembered where it came from, would like to get my daughter one like it.
10:18:06 She loves orchids, hers never live.
10:18:12 She was honest. The update from Spring 2,015 was particularly poignant.
10:18:20 It was written on a Sunday after we had a child dedication at the Fellowship, an Ann's attention to detail, love for her children, love of others, children, joy of being in community generosity with praise and always attention to the injustices of the world are all packed into one brief
10:18:48 email, dearlyora, this may make no sense to you, and may make no sense at all, but when Lacey was 7 and sick, I would always see a certain star when I walked, probably Venus and I would associate that with her healing, I would eagerly await that time every day right
10:19:09 after Cole's injury, my orchids started blooming again.
10:19:14 Now they have become my symbol for his wellness. Each morning I checked the very first thing to see if there was another blossom.
10:19:23 Here's one from the plant you gave us. It just appeared, and is my blessing.
10:19:30 You must have had a blessing, too, when you blessed a child.
10:19:34 I take great delight in seeing Kyle and Richard at church today was especially good with the Selma vigil.
10:19:41 I hope you are able to hear the President speak yesterday, and I'm Anne.
10:19:49 That December and the following year updates came along with Hanukkah wishes, and a promise that she wasn't sending the same picture over and over.
10:20:00 The last orchid update that I found while reflecting on my relationship with an came from September 2020.
10:20:08 That was, of course, a difficult time. Our services were via zoom, only we longed for the community that comes with being together in person, and she wrote a rather lengthy Thank you for the service that we had done on Zoom, including generous praise to my son Kyle, who was then 12 years
10:20:30 old for his contribution as co-leader and musician.
10:20:35 Kaio. Could an adult have done any better? I mean the articulation, the boys, but everything and an update on the accomplishments of her grandchildren Lacy's latest journal publication and Cole's graduation in Mechanical engineering from Boston University as part of her
10:20:56 reflection on how we navigate difficult times. And the email address.
10:21:04 This was supposed to be a short note to thank you for this morning.
10:21:07 And look what happened anyway. Do have a sweet year warmly, and.
10:21:15 Your orchid is down to one green leaf and one dead betcha.
10:21:22 It'll blossom again. It always does.
10:21:43 So at this time. If there's anyone who would like to come up, there is no obligation.
10:21:52 If there's anyone who would like to come up and share a brief remembrance or a story, the the microphone is yours.
10:22:09 The.
10:22:19 Okay. Yeah, I'm up here for 2 purposes. How are you doing?
10:22:21 That's how we're doing. That's what we used to when man and I would talk. We'd always a house.
10:22:30 How's the Rabbi doing? She's making it today?
10:22:34 Fine but there's some other things there's Don and Nancy Renfrew from Cedar, Sidney Hospital.
10:22:42 And they said they couldn't be here in person, but they send their spirit.
10:22:46 John has cancer, 4 stage and all they're doing is giving pain.
10:22:52 Recently a couple years older than me. Anyway, they want to make sure that most of you know that.
10:23:00 Anyway, Donna, from want to make sure that they were heard to.
10:23:09 Okay.
10:23:15 And certainly knew the value of love and companionship. And so, when I met my husband, and I told her about him, and I think he came to church and announced our engagement, and so from that moment on, every time I saw a hand, it was husty, and in emails exchanges when I came
10:23:51 over and helped her put some pictures on the wall. It ended how Steve, always, when we were together, was with a little twinkle in her eye.
10:24:02 I'm Debbie.
10:24:22 I've known Howard for 100 years, and and maybe for 20 something.
10:24:31 She was quite the lady I heard Leora say something about her comments in the newspaper.
10:24:39 I really will miss those she you knew what you read. That was Ann.
10:24:48 I helped. They moved from their big house to independent living, and I helped them move, and I don't know if you know.
10:24:59 But Anne wrote 2 books, I have to say.
10:25:05 I read the first one. It was a love story. I don't know if you know Anne lived in Japan for several years, wasn't it?
10:25:17 Japan. She was a teacher there, a lot of the decor in the house was Japanese. That was her decor.
10:25:27 And then there was Howard, the Jewish. So it was very interesting to see how they lived together.
10:25:35 He had his office. Oh, my God! And she had her office!
10:25:41 Wow! They were, they are always will be incredible people. She was just amazing.
10:25:50 I have to say I did some shopping while the pandemic was here.
10:25:55 Howard, said Debbie, get this, but don't tell em.
10:26:00 Ann won't let me have this, so I had to sneak it in every now and again, and would say, Debbie, why are you doing this?
10:26:10 Don't listen to Howard, anyway. She was a wonderful person, and I am going to miss her.
10:26:20 Okay.
10:26:39 I wanna? Speak to Anne's incredible writing. We have a group called Seasoned Souls, mostly women, but the guys are inited.
10:27:01 We meet the second Thursday of each month for lunch, and talk about whatever we want to talk about.
10:27:08 Usually we have something, but when Ann was there we focused right often on serious political issues.
10:27:17 And she always had wonderful things to say. But one day she came, and she brought a chapter in a book that she was writing, and she said, Would y'all be willing to listen she has a little bit of a Southern draw sound to her voice which is kind of nice, and anyway, she proceeded to read yes.
10:27:42 Sir, chapter to us, and we were just fascinated with the storyline, and when she sits up we went.
10:27:52 What's gonna happen next. What? And we had all these questions.
10:27:57 And she said we didn't mean this is only the first chapter I have to think about.
10:28:03 Hope that some of her work gets published because she's an incredible writer.
10:28:08 Just fascinating, and I just love that lady so much.
10:28:13 Made a big difference in my life, too.
10:28:41 I'm Eddie. I'm a short term friend, maybe 10 years.
10:28:45 And that's short-term with him. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago, she commented on a Christmas card that I sent to her, she said.
10:28:53 I want something like that for next Christmas. So the last couple of Christmases I provided her some Christmas cards.
10:29:02 She always wanted to pay, of course. No, no, so give a contribution to the uu, which I'm sure she did.
10:29:09 One of those 2 cards is this one his angel wings, and there are some out as you're leaving, and I think this is an appropriate time to celebrate Anne's angel wings.
10:29:25 Thank you. Anne.
10:29:52 Okay, just in case those of us who won't be able to see it I'm gonna do my best here.
10:30:00 It says I didn't know and well, but I loved how she was.
10:30:06 Counter, stereotypical for Southern ladies.
10:30:10 I was often tickled by hearing her opinions, and the way she expressed her ideas.
10:30:38 Hi! I'm Sabrina. I'm a member here, and whenever Anne would raise her hand to share something, I exchange glances with the person next to me, and we grin.
10:30:53 Waiting to see what she was say, and it would sneak up on you.
10:30:58 The first thing or 2 she'd say would be serious, and then she'd say something else.
10:31:05 You start giggling because it's just the way she would add to and and comment on what she had said.
10:31:15 She'd have us all giggling. I'm going to miss her so much.
10:31:28 Hi! My name is, Ruthie, as most people know me as, and I've known Howard for over a 100 years.
10:31:38 But I just want to say that I appreciate it the way Ann, look after Howard so well, and I would frequently come and visit on the weekends.
10:31:50 I I moved away and and I'd always stop over, and I'd bring this cookie that my mom makes.
10:31:56 That Howard loves, and Anne would always getting back to what Debbie said Anne would always take, and goes I'll put this in the Freezer Monitor.
10:32:04 It, but oftentimes, and I agree with everybody. She's always so caring and asking people how their families were.
10:32:16 But I also want to say that she often talked about this community, and how much she appreciated you so much.
10:32:24 So it sounds like she was loved, and will be remembered by a lot of people.
10:32:50 Into my. In fact, we have a friend here who quite often called us twins.
10:32:58 I always talk, almost called her my home when and I will miss her definitely.
10:33:05 Miss! So hi morning, and I'm sort of thinking. Well, I'd probably be late to my own funeral. So Hi!
10:33:18 Miss, her.
10:33:26 Just so, you all know direct messages are coming up on the big screen as well.
10:33:31 If anyone wants to unmute and share.
10:33:36 I think Joanne can help make that happen.
10:33:41 Something in the shadow.
10:33:48 Hello!
10:33:50 Okay.
10:34:02 I guess we get our turn.
10:34:06 Can you hear? All right?
10:34:08 Yes, we can hear you. Great. Go ahead.
10:34:11 Right. So I wrote in the chat. Ann was a great complimentarian.
10:34:18 She didn't know how to say hello to you without the common.
10:34:24 In pleasantly about something about. Who you were that day, what you were wearing, how you looked, what you sounded like.
10:34:32 It was just so delightful, and she could be just laser sharp with her wit and with her social justice commentary.
10:34:44 And she is a friend wherever.
10:35:17 I know that we're gonna continue kind of just sharing those stories as they emerge over the next days and weeks, months.
10:35:28 But for now, if you would join me at the back of your that gray hymn, there's a reading.
10:35:38 It's number 7, 20.
10:35:40 It's titled. We remember them number 7, 20.
10:35:53 And if you could join me we'll read it responsively.
10:36:03 Toward the back. There. 7, 2, 0. It starts at the bottom of the page.
10:36:10 In the rising of the sun and in it's going down.
10:36:15 We remember them, the blowing!
10:36:19 Show in the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring.
10:36:27 We remember them, the.
10:36:35 In the rustling of leaves, and in the beauty of honor.
10:36:40 We remember them.
10:36:44 And.
10:36:47 When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them.
10:36:56 So!
10:36:59 When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them.
10:37:09 Faculty.
10:37:20 I am open, and I am willing to be hopeless, would seem so strange.
10:37:33 It is Sauna's. Those who go before us.
10:37:40 So lift me up to the light of change. There is herding in my family.
10:37:53 There is sorrow in my town. There is sadness all across the nation.
10:38:04 There is a wailing the whole world round, and I am open, and I am willing to be hopeless, would seem so strange.
10:38:24 It is Sauna's. Those who go before us, so lift me up to the light of change.
10:38:37 May the children see more clearly, may be elders be more wise.
10:38:50 May the winds of change caress us! He, even though it burns our eyes, and I am open, and I am willing to be hopeless, would seem so strange.
10:39:14 It is Sauna's, those who go before us, so lift me up to the light of change.
10:39:42 The best tribute. We paid to a loved one when she dies, is to honestly remember her for the person she was.
10:39:53 This is to say, about her. You were your own person. You were unique.
10:39:59 How you chose to live. Your life was not without consequences.
10:40:05 You mattered. You made a difference for your community, your family.
10:40:14 And now that your life has ended, we honor the life you chose to live.
10:40:23 We celebrate your uniqueness, and we freely give you our love because you gave us life and loved us to.
10:40:35 And so we include our service, grateful for the gift of love and the miracle of loving that cans us soul to soul in life and death.
10:40:54 And life again!
10:41:07 And so this concludes the formal part of our memorial service for Anne Lee's silver.
10:41:19 I know. She'd be delighted that you all are here, and as you heard in a bit, there will be light refreshments on plain and skewers, and for those of you who came in sort of a little later end we do have this it will be a the slideshow some wonderful
10:41:46 pictures, and some more of and favorite uu hems. Alright let me say that one more time.
10:41:53 Thank you for letting me know. Slide show. It's about 8 min.
10:41:57 It's got some fantastic photos and some of Anne's favorite hymns.
10:43:08 Morning has broken.
10:43:13 Like the first morning on me.
10:43:18 Bird has bones, and, like the best.
10:43:26 Praise for them, and see in praise for.
10:43:34 Praise for them to fresh from.
10:43:50 Sweet, the rain's new.
10:43:54 The sun from hell, and, like the first cue, for on the ground and brings for the sea of is gone.
10:44:14 The the this be the and.
10:44:35 Mine is the soul. Night, mine is the moment, honey, for now 9 eating, so praise with this patience, praise it every morning.
10:45:00 God's really you should, of the.
10:45:09 And the.
10:45:18 Morning has broken.
10:45:23 Like the first normal, I mean, blackbird has spoken.
10:45:30 Okay, like first girl, to praise, for the sea aligned praise for the.
10:45:44 Praise all the spring from the world.
10:46:10 The.
10:46:39 How could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than beautiful?
10:46:49 How could anyone ever tell you were less than a whole? How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle?
10:47:05 How deeply your connected to my soul! How could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than beautiful?
10:47:20 How could anyone ever tell you? You will last on hold! How could anyone fail to notice that you're loving is a miracle.
10:47:36 How deeply your connected to my soul!
10:47:50 We are going heaven knows where we are going, and we will get heaven knows how we will.
10:48:08 It will be for what we know. Final road will be muddy and rough, but together Heaven knows how we will.
10:48:19 The we are young, we are young, we are young, we are young, we are.
10:48:31 Oh, we heaven knows where we are going!
10:48:38 As heaven knows how we will get there. But we know, oh, yeah, ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!
10:48:48 Ya. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:48:56 Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!
10:49:39 We do of thanks this for all God, he!
10:49:51 And those far away.
10:49:55 For this time we shall.
10:50:00 With love and care. We give thanks for this.
10:50:13 The if thou for this for all God!
10:50:24 And for this time we shall with.
10:50:36 Only gives thanks for for this, and we give this for this just and.
10:51:24 Not!
10:51:49 The.
10:52:25 Seriously went into the.
10:52:57 We have rolled over it, the!
10:53:14 You!
10:53:19 Horizontally, the.
10:53:27 Know.
10:53:34 To.
10:53:36 Always, finally.
10:53:40 Sorry me.
10:53:43 Hello!
10:53:44 Sounds.
10:53:56 Since.
10:53:59 Yeah. One day.
10:54:05 Report.
10:54:10 Years.

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